Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Achievements/Awards received:
- Awarded with second merit ranker certificate in ME Civil for the year 2006-2007 from Sardar Patel college of Engineering.
- Awarded with certificate of appreciation for very good academic performance from Sardar Patel college of Engineering, for years 2006-2008.
Research area: Scaling up Microbial fuel cell
Kinetic study of catalyzed and non-catalyzed electrode materials, Development of single chamber MFC using ceramic material, modification of ceramic separator using mineral compounds, Development of scalable MFC using ceramic and glass fibre reinforced plastic materials, Optimizing reactor size and power output based on bio- electrochemical approach.
Major findings:
Demonstrated successful application of separator electrode prepared using conductive carbon ink on ceramic material to make single chambered MFC. Developed single chambered MFC (26 litre capacity) and dual chambered (45 L capacity), largest reported so far in literature. These MFCs demonstrated higher power output with lower internal resistance, at reduced capital and operating cost, simplicity in fabrication and longevity gives new direction to wastewater treatment along with energy recovery.
International Conference :
- Anil N. Ghadge, Dipak A. Jadhav, Indrasis Das, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Development of ceramic separator blended with exchangeable cations to enhance the performance single chambered microbial fuel cells. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Jadhav D.A., Ghadge A. N., Ghangrekar M. M. (2017). Assessment of ceramic separator blended with exchangeable cations for air cathode microbial fuel cells, International Conference on Functional Electroceramics and Polymers (ICEP-2017), IIT Kharagpur, February, 2017.
- Ghadge, A. N., Jadhav, D. A. & Ghangrekar, M. M. (2015). Application of ceramic separator enriched with exchangeable cations for single chamber microbial fuel cellsInternational conference onCeramic and Advanced materials for Energy and Environment (CAMEE2015) held at Bengaluru, India between 15th -17th December, 2015.
- Jadhav D.A., Ghadge A.N., Ghangrekar M.M. (2015). Effective utilization of recovered goethite from mining effluent to enhance performance of low cost earthenware microbial fuel cells, 3rd Water Research Conference, China, Jan. 11-14.
- Jadhav, D.A., Ghadge, A.N., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2015). Effective utilization of recovered goethite from mining effluent to enhance performance of low cost earthenware microbial fuel cells, 3rd Water Research Conference, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, Jan. 11-14. 2015.
- Ghadge, A.N., Jadav, D.A, Pradhan, H., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2014). Waste Activated Sludge Digestion and Electricity Generation in Clayware Microbial Fuel Cell. International conference on Environment and Energy, 15-17 December 2014, Hyderabad, India.
- A. Jadhav, A.N. Ghadge, M.M. Ghangrekar (2014). Effective utilization of recovered goethite from mining effluent to enhance performance of low cost earthenware microbial fuel cells. 3rd Water Research Conference, 11-14 January 2015, Shenzhen, China.
- M. Ghangrekar, Ghadge A.N., Harapriya Pradhan (2014). Prospects of Bioelectrochemical Systems in Wastewater Treatment. 2nd International Conference on Materials and Renewable Energy, MRE 2014,Hong Kong, 8-10 August 2014.
- N. Ghadge, M. M. Ghangrekar (2014). Performance Evaluation of Low Cost Scalable Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cell Made from Ceramic Cylinder. 11th IWA Leading Edge conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, 26-30 May 2014, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
- Jadhav, D.A., Pandit, S., Ghadge, A.N., Das, D., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2013). Performance comparison between mixed and pure culture used as inoculum in air cathode earthen pot microbial fuel cells, poster presented in 10th National Conference on solid state Ionics, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal (W.B.), India, Dec. 20-23. 2013.
- Ghadge A.N., Rajesh P.P., Pritha Chatterjee, Ghangrekar M.M. (2013). Scaling Up of a Microbial Fuel Cell Having an Air-Breathing Cathode and Multiple Electrodes. International Congress on Materials and renewable energy, Athens, Greece, 1-3 July 2013.
- Chatterjee, P., Pandit, S., Ghadge, A., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2013). Effect of binder loading on performance of air-cathode earthen pot microbial fuel cell. International Symposium on New Horizons in Bioenergy Research organized by P K Sinha Center for BioEnergy, IIT Kharagpur, January 14-16, 2013.
- Ghadge, A. N., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2012). Effect of non-catalyzed electrode materials on low cost scalable microbial fuel cell performance. International Symposium on New Horizons in Bioenergy Research, IIT Kharagpur, India, January 14 – 16, 2013.
- M. M. Ghangrekar and Anil Ghadge (2012). Scaling Up of Microbial Fuel Cell Using Clay Membrane Separator. International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology, Patiala, India. November 21-23, 2012.
- Anil Ghadge, Soumya Pandit, Debabrata Das and M. M. Ghangrekar (2012). Performance of Air Cathode Earthen Plot MFC for Simultaneous Wastewater Treatment with Bioelectricity Generation. 1st International Brainstorming Workshop On Waste To Energy In India, 24-25 August 2012, Nehru Centre, Mumbai, India.
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research Area: Simultaneous removal of organic matter and dissolved salts from wastewater in amicrobial desalination cell
Primary objective of this research is simultaneous removal of organic matter and inorganic dissolved salts from wastewater using microbial desalination cell (MDC). Optimization of MDC performance by individual and combined effect of operating parameters affecting desalination performance. Practical application of MDC for industrial wastewater treatment and doing necessary change in the system configuration to explore feasibility of metal removal and recovery (such as Cr removal). Determination of the economic and environmental sustainability of MDC and its comparison with existing conventional tertiary treatment systems.
Findings of the study:
The bioelectrochemical desalination system effectively demonstrated organic matter removal of >82% (in terms of COD), TDS removal of 78% (from 30 g/L of TDS concentration) and power generation of 16.87 mW/m2, respectively. Closer spacing between the ion exchange membrane, and hence lower volume of the desalination and concentrate chambers, is observed to increase desalination efficiency.
International Conference :
- Pradhan, H., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2016). Microbial desalination cell: an emerging technology towards wastewater treatment and desalination. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research (ICRABR-2016), Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy, Kapurthala, India (February 25-27, 2016)
- Pradhan, H., Shinde, Omkar A., Ghangrekar, M.M., Sarkar, S. (2015). Bioremediation of steel plant wastewater and improved electricity generation in bio-electrochemical desalination cell. 21stInternational Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, October 5-9, 2015.
- Ghadge, A.N., Jadav, D.A, Pradhan, H., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2014). Waste Activated Sludge Digestion and Electricity Generation in Clayware Microbial Fuel Cell. International conference on Environment and Energy, 15-17 December 2014, Hyderabad, India.
- Harapriya Pradhan, M. M. Ghangrekar (2014). Effect of applied potential on the system performance of a microbial desalination cell. IWA Specialist Comnference on Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, 26-30 October, 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- M. M. Ghangrekar, Ghadge A. N., Harapriya Pradhan (2014). Prospects of Bioelectrochemical Systems in Wastewater Treatment. 2nd International Conference on Materials and Renewable Energy, MRE 2014,Hong Kong, 8-10 August 2014.
- Pradhan, M. M. Ghangrekar (2014). Microbial Desalination Cell: A Technology for Simultaneous Organic Matter and Salt Removal. 11th IWA Leading Edge conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, 26-30 May 2014, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
- Ghangrekar M. M. Harapriya Pradhan (2013). Waste to energy approach for decentralized wastewater treatment system by microbial desalination cell. Indo-Mexican workshop on sustainable water and wastewater management, NEERI, Nagpur, India, July 25-26, 2013.
- Pradhan, H., Ghangrekar, M. M. (2013). A novel microbial desalination cell for simultaneous wastewater treatment, energy production, and desalination. International Symposium on New Horizons in Bioenergy Research organized by P K Sinha Center for BioEnergy, IIT Kharagpur, January 14-16, 2013.
- Pradhan, H., Noori, Md. T., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2012). Simultaneous wastewater treatment and salt removal in a novel microbial desalination cell. International Conference on “Advances in Biological Hydrogen Production and Applications (ICABHPA-2012) Organized by JNTU, Hyderabad, India, December 14-15, 2012.
- Ghadge, A. N., Prasad, Sriranjani, Pradhan, Harapriya, Ghangrekar, M.M. (2012). Enhancing activity of electrogenic bacteria in microbial fuel cell by BES dosing. International Conference on “Advances in Biological Hydrogen Production and Applications (ICABHPA-2012) Organized by JNTU, Hyderabad, India, December 14-15, 2012.
Achievements/Awards received:
- Winner of the Young Scientist Competition, 2015 organised by the INNO INDIGO and INDIGO POLICY, EU-India collaboration.
- Renewable energy fellowship award on 15th June, 2012 from Ministry of new and renewable Energy.
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research Area: Recovery of value-added by-products during biological treatment of distillery wastewater and enhanced electrical energy recovery in microbial fuel cell
Bioremediation of distillery wastewater using filamentous fungi and optimization of growth parameters, Development of bio-kinetic models for distillery wastewater pretreatment, Recovery of chitosan as value-added byproduct, Improving power generation in microbial fuel cell (MFC) using fungal pretreated wastewater, Enhancing organic matter removal from fungal pretreated distillery wastewater by UV-TiO2 physico-chemical treatment.
Major findings:
Study demonstrated the complete treatment of grain-based distillery thin stillage in a sequential process of fungal bioremediation and application of MFC to reduce organic matter and achieve the inland disposal standards of industrial wastewater has been demonstrated successfully. Recovered value-added byproducts (bioelectricity and bio-polymer chitosan) have potential market use.The potential application of the invention is for the removal of organic matter from distillery wastewater by adopting a two-stage process, evidencing 99% removal of total COD and a complete removal of SS. The process avoids several stages of treatment for distillery wastewater, which is an achievement over the existing treatment strategies. The solution can offer an efficient treatment to distillery wastewater where other existing technologies could not meet even after 3-4 stages of biological treatment.
International Conference :
- Bhowmick G. D., Ghosh Ray S, Ghangrekar M.M, Mitra A. (2016). Advance process of combined microbial fuel cell – Membrane Bioreactor for effective treatment of fish processing wastewater. International conference on emerging technologies in agricultural engineering, December 27 – 30, 2016, IIT Kharagpur.
- Ghosh Ray S., Ghangrekar M.M. (2016). Advances in wastewater treatment by combined microbial fuel cell-membrane bioreactor. 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources Oriented Sanitation from 14-16 September, 2016 in Athens, Greece.
- Bhowmick, G. D., Ghosh Ray, S., Mitra, A., Ghangrekar M. M. (2016, April). Performance evaluation of low-cost air-cathode microbial fuel cell modified with ceramic cathode assembly by titanium di-oxide nanoparticles. International Conference On Innovations in Sustainable Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems (ISWATS), Jointly Organized By India – EU Science & Technology Research Collaboration Projects , Pune, India.
- Ghosh Ray, S., Bhowmick, G. D., Mitra, A., Ghangrekar M. M. (2016, September). Energy efficient combined process of microbial fuel cell (MFC) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for high efficiency treatment of organic wastewater. 13 th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation, Athens, Greece.
- Bhowmick, G. D., Ghosh Ray, S., Mitra, A., Ghangrekar M. M. (2016, December). Energy efficient combined process of microbial fuel cell (MFC) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for effective treatment of fish processing wastewater. International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural & Food Engineering (ETAE), Agricultural & Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.
- Ghosh Ray, S. Kumari, M. M. Ghangrekar, A. Mitra (2015). Effect of chemical hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse on performance of microbial fuel cell under different substrate loadings. International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion: AD Technology and Microbial Ecology for Sustainable Development (ADTech-2015); 3 – 6 February 2015, The Empress Hotel and Convention Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Ghosh Ray, M. M. Ghangrekar (2014). Anaerobic Secondary Treatment of Biologically Pretreated Grain-based Distillery Wastewater And Chitosan Recovery. IWA Specialist Comnference on Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, 26-30 October, 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal.
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
- Received Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award/Appreciation at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi March 2015
- Received DST-ITS travel grant to attend International conference in Sri Lanka, Nov. 2015
- DAAD scholarship for IGCS summer school, Stuttgart Germany, 2014
- DAAD scholarship for IGCS workshop, Chennai, 2014.
- Master project work in Germany under ‘DAAD’ scholarship, 2011-2012.
Research Area:
Treatment of wastewater in microbial fuel cell and concept of bioelectric septic tank
Effective nitrogen and sulfur removal and electricity harvesting from wastewater using microbial fuel cell; Performance comparison between mixed and pure culture used as inoculum in air cathode earthen pot microbial fuel cells; Development of anodic and cathodic catalyst, utilization of cow’s urine as a substrate for MFC, Development of bioelectric toilet (bio-electrochemical septic tank MFC).
Findings of the study:
Effective ammonium, sulfur and organic matter removal achieved with bioelectricity generation using dual chambered MFCs. The simultaneous disinfection using hypochlorite as a catholyte was effectively carried in MFC. Also other study showed that, bioaugmentation strategies of Shewanella pure culture and mixed culture inoculum was preferred for cost-effective and scale-up MFC for wastewater treatment. The anodic catalyst (goethite) and cathodic catalyst (composites of Zr, Pd) was developed to enhance the performance of MFC. Successful demonstration of use of cow’s urine as a substrate was achieved in MFC. The 100 L capacity bioelectrochemical septic tank system (bioelectric toilet) was developed in the lab for treating human waste. The power management system was developed to use power from bio-toilet MFC for operating the 10 LED lamps, operating the sensor, powering the small fan and operating other electronic appliances using super-capacitors.
International Conference :
- Dipak A. Jadhav, Indrasis Das, Makarand M. Ghangrekar (2018). Moving from lab scale towards field scale application of microbial fuel cells. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Anil N. Ghadge, Dipak A. Jadhav, Indrasis Das, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Development of ceramic separator blended with exchangeable cations to enhance the performance single chambered microbial fuel cells. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Indrasis Das, Dipak A. Jadhav, Makarand M. Ghangrekar (2018). Bioelectric Toilet: Novel sustainable bioelectrochemical technology for generating electricity during treatment of human waste. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Pankaj K. Gautam, Dipak A. Jadhav, Neethu B., Makarand M. Ghangrekar (2018). Effect of different algal biomass concentrations on performance of low-cost clayware microbial carbon-capture cell. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Swagatam Das, Dipak A. Jadhav, M.M. Ghangrakar (2013). Comparison of air cathode microbial fuel cells packed with lignite and GAC as anodic bed materials and scaling up of bioelectric septic tank MFC. Sustainable Water Resources Development and Management (SWARDAM-2013);30 September- 01 October, 2013, Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad. Pp382-390
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Enhancing the performance of microbial fuel cell by following methods
- Inoculum pre-treatment
- Anode modification
- Cathode modification
Methanogenesis occurring in the anode chamber of microbial fuel cell (MFC) significantly reduce the coulombic efficieny (CE) of microbial fuel cell. The primary objective of this study is to improve the CE and power production of microbial fuel cell by employing various methanogen specific inhibitors such as Chaetoceros, lauric acid to pre-treat the anaerobic sludge inoculum for reducing the substrate loss to electrogens in MFC. To further enhance the electrogenic activity in the anode surface various anode modifications such as Graphene/PTFE anode composite and polyaniline modified anode has been developed. To understand the anode catalytic behavior various bioelectrochemical analysis such as Linear sweep voltammetry, Tafel analysis and Electrochemical impedence spectroscopy has been evaluated.
Findings of the study:
An increase in CE and power desnity has been observed while using Chaetoceros and lauric acid for pre-treating anodic inoculum in MFCs. A maximum power density of 21.43 W/m3 and maximum CE of 45.18 % could be obtained while using Chaetoceros as a methanogen specific inhibitor in microbial fuel cell. The use of Graphene/ PTFE composite anode and polyaniline anode modification further enhanced the bioelectrogenic activity in MFCs. Linear sweep voltammetry study indicated a better bioelectrocatalytic activity on the anode surface while using anode modification.
Journal Papers:
- Rajesh, P. P., Noori, Md. T., Ghangrekar, M. M., 2014. Controlling methanogenesis and improving power production of microbial fuel cell by lauric acid dosing. Water Science and Technology, 70(8): 1363-1369.Impact Factor-1.064, Citations -9.
- Rajesh, P. P., Jadhav, D. A., Ghangrekar, M. M., 2015. Improving performance of microbial fuel cell while controlling methanogenesis by Chaetoceros pretreatment of anodic inoculum. Bioresource Technology, 180: 66-71. Impact Factor-4.917, Citations -12.
- Rajesh, P. P., Noori, Md. T., Ghangrekar, M. M., 2015. Graphene Oxide/Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) composite anode and inoculum pre-treatment for improving performance of microbial fuel cell. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies (Accepted).
- Rajesh, P.P., Ghangrekar, M. M. 2015. Bioelectricity generation from marine algae Chaetoceros using microbial fuel cell. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research (pp. 295-303). Springer India.
Awards Received:
- Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) awards-2015 for the project entitled “Utilization of marine algae as substrate and methanogen inhibitor in microbial fuel cell”.
- Springer award-2015 for the best paper presented in International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-energy Research (ICRABR-2015), Kapurthala, India.
International Conference :
- P. P. Rajesh; Md.T. Noori; M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Improving performance of microbial fuel cell by using polyaniline coated carbon felt anode and anodic inoculum pre-treatment by Chaetoceros. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Rajesh P.P., Noori MD. T., Ghangrekar M.M. (2017). Graphene Oxide/Polytetrafluoroethylene composite anode and Chaetoceros pre-treated anodic inoculum enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell, 6th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy, February 8 – 10, 2017, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Rajesh P. P., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2016) Optimum dose of Chaetoceros for controlling methanogenesis to improve power production of microbial fuel cell. Asia-Pacific Conference on Biotechnology for Waste Conversion 2016 (BioWC 2016), December, 6 – 8, 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
- Rajesh, P. P., Ghangrekar, M. M. (2016). Bioelectricity generation from marine algae Chaetoceros using microbial fuel cell. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research (ICRABR-2016), Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy, Kapurthala, India (February 25-27, 2016). P. 295-303.
- Rajesh P.P, M.M. Ghangrekar (2015). Bioelectricity generation from marine algae chaetoceros using microbial fuel cell. International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-energy Research’ (ICRABR-2015), Mar 14-17, 2015, SSS-NIRE, Kapurthala, India.
- Ghadge A.N., Rajesh P.P., Ghangrekar M.M. (2013). Scaling Up of a Microbial Fuel Cell Having an Air-Breathing Cathode and Multiple Electrodes. International Congress on Materials and renewable energy, Athens, Greece, 1-3 July 2013.
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest:
- Microbial fuel cell
- Bioelectrogenesis determination
- Anode and Cathode modification
- Renewable energy
The motivation of the study is to determine bio-electrogenic activity of various inoculums typically used in MFCs with the help of synthesized electrochromic WO3 based on chromatic changes. Confirmation of the electrogenic activity is done by evaluating power production performance of MFCs using various inoculums such as mixed anaerobic sludge, wet garden soil, cow dung slurry and rotten fruit and vegetable wastes.
Findings of the study:
Hydrothermally synthesized electrochromic WO3 fibers are proposed to detect electrogenic activity of inoculum sources, such as anaerobic septic tank sludge, wet garden soil, cow dung, and decomposed lignocellulosic waste. Bio-electrochemical reactions between WO3 and inoculum sample in test tube confirms better electron transfer activity of anaerobic septic tank sludge and cow dung as inoculum through formation of dark blue colour. Four dual chambered MFCs were inoculated with septic tank sludge (MFC-1), wet garden soil (MFC-2), cow dung slurry (MFC-3), and with anaerobically decomposed lignocellulosic waste (MFC-4). Maximum power densities of 15.58, 5.10, 11.44, and 1.18 mW/m2 were obtained in MFC-1, MFC-2, MFC-3 and MFC-4, respectively; confirming septic tank sludge and cow dung slurry as better inoculum sources. This simple approach of rapid switching of hexagonal WO3 to blue colouration in presence of electrogenic bacteria is useful to establish correlation between activities of electrogens in the inoculums, and detection of electrogenic activity of selected inoculum within half an hour, to expedite start-up of MFCs by selecting appropriate inoculum.
- Sharma I., Ghangrekar M. M., Biswal, R. C., and Biswas, K. (2016). Bioelectrogenesis Detection of Inoculums Using Electrochromic Tungsten Oxide and Performance Evaluation in Microbial Fuel Cells. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163(3), F183-F189.
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2017). Evaluating suitability of tungsten, titanium and stainless steel wires as current collector in microbial fuel cell. Water Science and Technology, wst2017621.
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2017). Screening anodic inoculums for microbial fuel cell by quantifying bioelectrogenesis using tungsten trioxide quantum rods. Journal of Bioresource Technology.
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2017). Activated carbon derived from post brewing tea waste as low-cost anodic catalyst for microbial fuel cell. Communicated to Journal of The New Carbon materials.
Conference papers:
- I. Sharma, Neethu Bhaskar, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Anodic inoculums screening for microbial fuel cells by quantifying bioelectrogenic activity using tungsten trioxide quantum rods. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2017). Activated carbon as anode catalyst synthesized from post brewing tea waste to enhance power production of microbial fuel cell. 6th International Conference on Functional Electro-ceramics and Polymers (ICEP-2017), 20th to 22nd February 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India (Poster Presentation).
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2016). Domiciliary management of mango waste for power production using biological fuel cell-a green technology. The 23rd World Energy Congress, 9th to 13th October 2016, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2016). The use of tungsten wire as current collector in microbial fuel cell with comparison of titanium and stainless steel. 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability, 23rd to 26th October 2016, Sitges-Spain (Oral Presentation).
- G. Yadav, I. Sharma, M. Ghangrekar, and R. Sen (2016). A green biocathode to enhance power output steered by bacteria-microalgae synergistic metabolism in microbial fuel cell. 6th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, 14th -17th November 2016, Venice, Italy (Oral Presentation).
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2015). Challenges for bacterial population in Microbial Fuel Cells surrounded by unwittingly co-inoculated inhibitors. 6th world congress on biotechnology, OMICS International Conference, 05-07 October 2015, New Delhi, p. 238 (Poster Presentation).
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2014). Application of electro-chromic tungsten oxide nano wires to determine bioelectrogenesis in microbial fuel cells. In Conference Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on “Innovative Approach in Applied Physical, Mathematical/ Statistical, Chemical Sciences and Emerging Energy Technology for Sustainable Development” (APMSCSET-2014), 27-28 September 2014, JNU-New Delhi, p. 132 (Oral Presentation).
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2013). Inhibitory Effects of fluoride on bacterial metabolism present in microbial fuel cells, Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research Volume III-441-451 3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research, 22-24 Nov’2013- Kapurthala, India (Oral Presentation).
Book chapters:
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2014). Application of electro-chromic tungsten oxide nano wires to determine bioelectrogenesis in microbial fuel cells. APMSCSET-2014; Published by Krishi Sanskriti Publications, New Delhi, Ed. B. B. Singh, G. C. Mishra, S. K. Yadav, ISBN: 978-93-83083-98-5 132
- Sharma I. and Ghangrekar M. M., (2013). Inhibitory Effects of fluoride on bacterial metabolism present in microbial fuel cells, Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research, Volume III; Published by SSS-NIRE, Kapurthala, Ed. S. Kumar, A. K. Sharma, S. K. Tyagi, Y. K. Yadav, ISBN: 978-81-927097-2-7 441-451.
- The ‘excellent paper award’ has been awarded for paper “Domiciliary management of mango waste for power production using Microbial fuel cell-a green technology” presented by I. Sharma (P.K. Sinha Center for Bioenergy) and M.M. Ghangrekar (Department of Civil Engineering) from IIT Kharagpur, in The 23rd World Energy Congress’ 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Development of sustainable cathode catalysts for microbial fuel cells
- Nanomaterials (ORR catalysts)
- Cation exchange membranes
- Wastewater treatment
- Renewable energy and
- Aquaculture
Journal Papers:
- Noori, M. T., Ghangrekar, M. M., and Mukherjee, C. K. (2016). V2O5 microflower decorated cathode for enhancing power generation in air-cathode microbial fuel cell treating fish market wastewater. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(5), 3638-3645.
- Noori, M. T., Mukherjee, C. K., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2017). Enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell by using graphene supported V2O5-nanorod catalytic cathode. Electrochimica Acta, 228, 513-521.
- Noori, M. T., Jain, S. C., Ghangrekar, M. M., and Mukherjee, C. K. (2016). Biofouling inhibition and enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell using silver nano-particles as fungicide and cathode catalyst. Bioresource technology, 220, 183-189.
- Noori, M.T., Paul, D., Ghangrekar, M. M., Mukherjee, C. K. (2018). Enhancing the performance of sediment microbial fuel cell using graphene oxide – zeolite modified anode and V2O5 catalyzed cathode. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 6(2), 150-154.
- Noori, M. T., Ghangrekar, M. M., Mitra, A., and Mukherjee, C. K. (2016). Enhanced Power Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell Using MnO2-Catalyzed Cathode Treating Fish Market Wastewater. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research (pp. 285-294). Springer, New Delhi.
- Rajesh, P. P., Noori, M. T., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2014). Controlling methanogenesis and improving power production of microbial fuel cell by lauric acid dosing. Water Science and Technology, 70(8), 1363-1369.
- Tiwari, B. R., Noori, M. T., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2016). A novel low cost polyvinyl alcohol-Nafion-borosilicate membrane separator for microbial fuel cell. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 182, 86-93.
- Tiwari, B. R., Noori, M. T., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2017). Carbon supported nickel-phthalocyanine/MnOx as novel cathode catalyst for microbial fuel cell application. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(36), 23085-23094.
- Ray, G., Noori, M. T., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2017). Novel application of peptaibiotics derived from Trichoderma sp. for methanogenic suppression and enhanced power generation in microbial fuel cells. RSC Advances, 7(18), 10707-10717.
- Paul, D., Noori, M. T., Rajesh, P. P., Ghangrekar, M. M., and Mitra, A. (2017). Modification of carbon felt anode with graphene oxide-zeolite composite for enhancing the performance of microbial fuel cell. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.
- Noori, Md. T, Bhowmick, G.D., Tiwari, B.R. Ghangrekar, M.M. and Mukherjee, C.K. (2018). Synthesis and application of low–cost Cu–Sn bimetal alloy as oxygen reduction reaction catalyst for improving the performance of microbial fuel cell. MRS Advances.
- Tiwari, B.R., Noori, Md.T., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2018). Enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell treating distillery wastewater using carbon supported Nickel-phthalocyanine/MnOx as novel cathode catalyst. MRS Advances.
International Conference :
- Md. T. Noori; B.R. Tiwari; Kailash Patel; C.K. Mukherjee and M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Eco-friendly synthesis of Nitrogen-co-doped Co3O4 to be used as oxygen reduction reaction catalyst in microbial fuel cell. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- P. P. Rajesh; Md.T. Noori; M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Improving performance of microbial fuel cell by using polyaniline coated carbon felt anode and anodic inoculum pre-treatment by Chaetoceros. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- B.R. Tiwari, Md.T. Noori, M.M. Ghangrekar (2018). Development of low cost membrane and cathode catalyst for application in microbial fuel cell treating distillery wastewater. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- G. Anusha, Md. T. Noori, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Enhanced performance of microbial desalination cell with green synthesized Aluminium doped zinc oxide supported on reduced graphene oxide as cathode catalyst. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- T. Noori, B.R. Tiwari, M.M. Ghangrekar, C.K. Mukherjee (2017). Application low-cost Cu3Sn cathode catalyst for improving the performance of microbial fuel cell, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibition 2017, November 26 to December 1, 2017, Boston, USA.
- R. Tiwari, Md. T. Noori, M.M. Ghangrekar (2017). Enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell treating distillery wastewater using carbon supported Nickel-Phthalocyanine/MnOx as novel cathode catalyst, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibition 2017, November 26 to December 1, 2017, Boston, USA.
- Noori MD. T., Ghangrekar M.M, Mukherjee C.K. (2017). Enhancing the performance of sediment microbial fuel cell using graphene oxide – zeolite modified anode and V2O5 catalyzed cathode, 6th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy, February 8 – 10, 2017, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Rajesh P.P., Noori MD. T., Ghangrekar M.M. (2017). Graphene Oxide/Polytetrafluoroethylene composite anode and Chaetoceros pre-treated anodic inoculum enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell, 6th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy, February 8 – 10, 2017, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Noori, MD. T., Ghangrekar, M.M., Mitra, A., Mukherjee, C.K. (2016) Treatment of fish market wastewater using single and dual chamber microbial fuel cell along with electricity generation. Asia-Pacific Conference on Biotechnology for Waste Conversion 2016, December, 6 – 8, 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
- R. Tiwary, Noori, MD. T., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2016). Carbon supported Ni- phthalocyanine / MnOx as novel cathode catalyst for microbial fuel cell application. Asia-Pacific Conference on Biotechnology for Waste Conversion 2016, December, 6 – 8, 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
- T. Noori, M.M. Ghangrekar, A. Mitra, C.K. Mukherjee (2015). Enhanced power generation in microbial fuel cell using MnO2 catalyzed cathode treating fish market wastewater. International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-energy Research’ (ICRABR-2015), Mar 14-17, 2015, SSS-NIRE, Kapurthala, India.
- Noori, Md.T., Ghangrekar, M.M., Mitra, A. (2013). Bioelectricity Generation from Fishery wastewater by Air Cathode Earthen Microbial Fuel Cell. International Symposium on New Horizons in Bioenergy Research organized by P K Sinha Center for BioEnergy, IIT Kharagpur, January 14-16, 2013.
- Pradhan, H., Noori, Md. T., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2012). Simultaneous wastewater treatment and salt removal in a novel microbial desalination cell. International Conference on “Advances in Biological Hydrogen Production and Applications (ICABHPA-2012) Organized by JNTU, Hyderabad, India, December 14-15, 2012.
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Materials for enhancing energy recovery in microbial fuel cells
- Anaerobic digestion
- ORR catalysts
- Cation exchange membranes
- Methanogen inhibition
Journal Papers:
- Tiwari, B. R., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2015). Enhancing Electrogenesis by Pretreatment of Mixed Anaerobic Sludge To Be Used as Inoculum in Microbial Fuel Cells. Energy & Fuels, 29(5), 3518-3524.
- Tiwari, B. R., Noori, M. T., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2016). A novel low cost polyvinyl alcohol-Nafion-borosilicate membrane separator for microbial fuel cell. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 182, 86-93.
- Tiwari, B. R., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2016). Selective Enrichment of Electrochemically Active Bacteria in Microbial Fuel Cell By Pre-treatment of Mixed Anaerobic Sludge to Be Used as Inoculum. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research (pp. 305-317). Springer, New Delhi.
- Tiwari, B. R., Noori, M. T., and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2017). Carbon supported nickel-phthalocyanine/MnOx as novel cathode catalyst for microbial fuel cell application. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(36), 23085-23094.
- Tiwari, B. R., Noori, M. T., Ghangrekar, M. M. (2018). Electricity production during distillery wastewater treatment in a microbial fuel cell equipped with low cost PVA-Nafion-borosilicate membrane. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 6(2), 155-158.
- Noori, Md. T, Bhowmick, G.D., Tiwari, B.R. Ghangrekar, M.M. and Mukherjee, C.K. (2018). Synthesis and application of low–cost Cu–Sn bimetal alloy as oxygen reduction reaction catalyst for improving the performance of microbial fuel cell. MRS Advances.
- Tiwari, B.R., Noori, Md.T., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2018). Enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell treating distillery wastewater using carbon supported Nickel-phthalocyanine/MnOx as novel cathode catalyst. MRS Advances.
International Conference :
- B.R. Tiwari, Md.T. Noori, M.M. Ghangrekar (2018). Development of low cost membrane and cathode catalyst for application in microbial fuel cell treating distillery wastewater. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Md. T. Noori; B.R. Tiwari; Kailash Patel; C.K. Mukherjee and M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Eco-friendly synthesis of Nitrogen-co-doped Co3O4 to be used as oxygen reduction reaction catalyst in microbial fuel cell. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Kailash Patel, B. R.Tiwari, M. M.Ghangrekar (2018). Effect of applied voltage on wastewater treatment and methane production in Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB). Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- B. R. Tiwari, Md. T. Noori, M.M. Ghangrekar (2017). Enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell treating distillery wastewater using carbon supported Nickel-Phthalocyanine/MnOx as novel cathode catalyst, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibition 2017, November 26 to December 1, 2017, Boston, USA.
- Tiwari, B.R., Ghangrekar, M.M (2017). Influence of organic loading rate on anode kinetics of a microbial fuel cell treating distillery wastewater. International Conference on Environment Science and Technology. 12-14 June 2017, Madrid, Spain.
- Tiwari B.R., Ghangrekar M.M. (2017). Electricity production during distillery wastewater treatment in a microbial fuel cell equipped with low cost PVA-Nafion-borosilicate membrane, 6th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy, February 8 – 10, 2017, Frankfurt, Germany.
- B. R. Tiwari, M.M. Ghangrekar (2015). Selective enrichment of electrochemically active bacteria in microbial fuel cell by pre-treatment of mixed anaerobic sludge to be used as inoculum. International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-energy Research’ (ICRABR-2015), Mar 14-17, 2015, SSS-NIRE, Kapurthala, India.
- Chatterjee, P., Mondal, S., Tiwari, B.R., Ghangrekar, M. (2013). Performance of microbial fuel cell under psycrophilic and mesophilic temperature, International Conference on Energy Resources and Technologies for Sustainable Development (ICERTSD 2013) organized by Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Kolkata, 7-9 February, 2013.
- Tiwari, Bikash Ranjan., Ghangrekar, M. M. (2013). Effect of Different Sludge Pre-Treatment on the Performance of Earthen Pot Microbial Fuel Cell. International Symposium on New Horizons in Bioenergy Research organized by P K Sinha Center for BioEnergy, IIT Kharagpur, January 14-16, 2013.
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research Area: Microbial Carbon Capture Cell
- Wastewater treatment
- Carbon capture
- Algal biodiesel
- Recovery of value added chemicals
- Cation exchange membranes
The Main objective of the research is to Develop low cost microbial carbon capture cells (MCCs) for continuous algae cultivation and power generation. The broad area of study includes Design and fabrication of the dual chamber and sediment MCC cells, Acclimatization of microbial cultures on oil extracted algae biomass to be used at anode, Study the factors affecting algae biomass production at cathode in terms of CO2 supply from anode, CO2 capture rate, O2 removal rate, thermodynamic cycling which will involve gas monitoring and flow control of anodic and cathodic off gases, Identification of the key exo-electrogenic anaerobic microbes capable of oxidizing algae biomass with overall high specific growth rate and COD removal rate, Development of an automated system based on the optimized design parameters and its feasibility evaluation.
Journal Papers:
- Neethu, B. and Ghangrekar, M. M. (2017). Electricity generation through a photo sediment microbial fuel cell using algae at the cathode. Water Science and Technology, p.wst2017485.
- Neethu B., Bhowmick G. D., Ghangrekar M. M. (2018). Enhancement of bioelectricity generation and algal productivity in microbial carbon-capture cell using low cost coconut shell as membrane separator. Biochemical Engineering Journal.
International conferences:
- Neethu. B, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Development of low cost Microbial carbon Capture (MCC) Cells for continuous algae cultivation and power generation. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- I. Sharma, Neethu Bhaskar, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Anodic inoculums screening for microbial fuel cells by quantifying bioelectrogenic activity using tungsten trioxide quantum rods. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Pankaj K. Gautam, Dipak A. Jadhav, Neethu B., Makarand M. Ghangrekar (2018). Effect of different algal biomass concentrations on performance of low-cost clayware microbial carbon-capture cell. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Neethu, B. and Ghangrekar, M.M. (2018, February). Simultaneous Nutrient Removal, Algal Biomass Production and Electricity Generation in Microbial Carbon Capture Cell. International Conference on sustainable technologies for intelligent water management at IIT Roorkee, India.
Institute mail:
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Advance microbial fuel cell – membrane bioreactor combined technology for effective wastewater treatment with enhanced bio-energy recovery.
- Photo-catalyst
- Cation exchange membranes
- Membrane fouling mitigation
- Wastewater treatment
- Renewable energy
- Aquaculture
International conferences:
- Bhowmick, G. D., Ghosh Ray, S., Mitra, A., Ghangrekar M. M. (2016, April). Performance evaluation of low-cost air-cathode microbial fuel cell modified with ceramic cathode assembly by titanium di-oxide nanoparticles. International Conference On Innovations in Sustainable Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems (ISWATS) , Jointly Organized By India – EU Science & Technology Research Collaboration Projects , Pune, India.
- Ghosh Ray, S., Bhowmick, G. D., Mitra, A., Ghangrekar M. M. (2016, September). Energy efficient combined process of microbial fuel cell (MFC) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for high efficiency treatment of organic wastewater. 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation, Athens, Greece.
- Bhowmick, G. D., Ghosh Ray, S., Mitra, A., Ghangrekar M. M. (2016, December). Energy efficient combined process of microbial fuel cell (MFC) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for effective treatment of fish processing wastewater. International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural & Food Engineering (ETAE), Agricultural & Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.
- Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar M. M., Mitra, A. (2017, October). TiO2/Activated carbon photo cathode catalyst exposed to ultraviolet radiation to enhance the efficacy of integrated microbial fuel cell-membrane bioreactor. General Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Das, S., Chatterjee, P., Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar, M. M. (2017, October). Tungsten oxide as anode and cathode catalyst for improved power generation and wastewater treatment in a microbial fuel cell. General Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Silva, T. C. A., Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar, M. M., Wilhelm, M., Rezwan, K. (2017, October). New polysiloxanes-based ceramic anode materials for microbial fuel cells. General Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Ahilan, V., Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar, M. M., Wilhelm, M., Rezwan, K. (2017, October). Functionalized polysiloxane derived ceramic membranes for microbial fuel cells. General Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Adhikary, K., Bhowmick, G. D., Das, I., Ghangrekar M. M., Mitra, A. (2017, October). Bismuth doped Ruthenium/Activated carbon (Bi-Ru/AC) photocathode catalyst with polyvinyl alcohol binder to improve the efficacy of microbial fuel cell. International conference on emerging trends in biotechnology for waste conversion (ETBWC), CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, India.
- Noori Md. T., Bhowmick, G. D., Tiwari, B. R., Ghangrekar, M. M., Mukherjee, C. K. (2017, November-December) Application of CuSn bimetalic alloy as ORR catalyst for improving the performance of MFC. International Summit, MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibition, Boston, USA.
- Bhowmick, G. D., Ghosh Ray, S., Ghangrekar M. M., Mitra, A. (2018, February). Improved wastewater treatment by using integrated microbial fuel cell-membrane bioreactor system along with ruthenium/activated carbon cathode composite to enhance bio-energy recovery. International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Intelligent Water Management, IIT Roorkee, India.
- Khuman, C. N., Bhowmick, G. D., Tiwari, B. R., Nath, D., Ghangrekar, M. M. and Mitra, A. (2018, February). Upflow hydroponic constructed wetland microbial fuel cell (UHCW-MFC) for wastewater treatment and recovery of bioelectricity. International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Intelligent Water Management, IIT Roorkee, India.
- Noori, Md. T., Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar, O. M., Dhamu, P., Fadanavis, S., Ghangrekar, M. M., Mukherjee, C. K. (2018, June). Phenol-activated persulphate (S2O82-) as efficient terminal electron acceptor for enhancing the performance of microbial fuel cell. The 2nd International conference on Anaerobic Digestion Technology (ADTech-SAB-2018), Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Das, I., Noori Md. T., Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar M. M. (2018, April). One-Pot Synthesis of Low-Cost Cobalt Zinc Ferrate (Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4) for Application as Cathode Catalyst in Microbial Fuel Cell to Enhance Energy Recovery from Sanitary Wastewater, MRS Spring Meeting & Exibit., Pheonix, USA.
- G. D. Bhowmick, D. Nath, V. Ahilan, T. C. A. Silva, I. Kruusenberg, M. M. Ghangrekar, M. Wilhelm, K. Tammeveski (2018). Integrated MFC-MBR system using low-cost, multifunctional ceramic membrane for efficient wastewater treatment and electricity recovery. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- K. Adhikary, G. D. Bhowmick, M. M. Ghangrekar and A. Mitra (2018). Introducing novel hybrid ion exchange membrane and ANAMMOX to improve the efficiency of nitrogen removal from microbial fuel cell. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Thamires Canuto de Almeida e Silva, G. D. Bhowmick, Makarand Madhao Ghangrekar, Michaela Wilhelm, Kurosch Rezwan (2018). Novel polysiloxanes-based anode materials for Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs). Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Vignesh Ahilan, G. D. Bhowmick, Makarand Madhao Ghangrekar, Michaela Wilhelm, Kurosch Rezwan (2018). Porous polymer derived ceramic composite membranes for Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC). Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
Journal papers:
- Noori, Md. T., Bhowmick, G. D., Tiwari, B. R., Ghangrekar, M. M., Mukherjee, C. K. (2018). Synthesis and application of low cost Cu-Sn bimetalic alloy as oxygen reduction reaction catalyst for improving the performance of MFC. MRS advances. 1-6.
- Bhowmick, G. D., Noori, Md. T., Das Indrasis , Neethu B., Ghangrekar M. M. and Mitra A.(2018). Bismuth doped TiO2 as an excellent photocathode catalyst to enhance the performance of microbial fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 43(15) 7501-7510.
- Neethu B., Bhowmick G. D., Ghangrekar M. M. (2018). Enhancement of bioelectricity generation and algal productivity in microbial carbon-capture cell using low cost coconut shell as membrane separator. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 133, 205–213.
- Among the top 15 innovations by young Indian scientists for the year 2016 named BIRAC-SRISTI Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award at Rastrapati bhavan, New Delhi by National Innovation Foundation (NIF), for the innovation of “Energy efficient combined process of microbial fuel cell (MFC) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for high efficiency and reliable treatment of organic wastewater.” along with Ms. Sreemoyee Ghosh Ray and Prof. M. M. Ghangrekar. Weblink:
Institute mail:
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Bio-electrochemistry.
- Field application of Microbial Fuel Cell
- Bioelectric Toilet
- ORR catalysts.
- Cation exchange membranes
- Wastewater treatment
International conferences:
- Indrasis Das, Dipak A. Jadhav, Makarand M. Ghangrekar (2018). Bioelectric Toilet: Novel sustainable bioelectrochemical technology for generating electricity during treatment of human waste. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Dipak A. Jadhav, Indrasis Das, Makarand M. Ghangrekar (2018). Moving from lab scale towards field scale application of microbial fuel cells. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Subhrajit Mukherjee, Indrasis Das, Sovik Das, M.M. Ghangrekar (2018). Removal of sodium lauryl sulphate from washwater using microbial fuel cell and simultaneous power generation. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Anil N. Ghadge, Dipak A. Jadhav, Indrasis Das, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Development of ceramic separator blended with exchangeable cations to enhance the performance single chambered microbial fuel cells. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Das, I., Jadhav, D. A., Ghangrekar M. M. (2018, February). Scaling up of microbial fuel cell for treatment of human waste to develop bioelectric toilet. International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Intelligent Water Management (STIWM), IIT Roorkee, India.
- Das, I., Noori Md. T., Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar M. M. (2018, April). One-Pot Synthesis of Low-Cost Cobalt Zinc Ferrate (Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4) for Application as Cathode Catalyst in Microbial Fuel Cell to Enhance Energy Recovery from Sanitary Wastewater, MRS Spring Meeting & Exibit., Pheonix, USA.
- Adhikary, K., Bhowmick, G. D., Das, I., Ghangrekar M. M., Mitra, A. (2017, October). Bismuth doped Ruthenium/Activated carbon (Bi-Ru/AC) photocathode catalyst with polyvinyl alcohol binder to improve the efficacy of microbial fuel cell. International conference on emerging trends in biotechnology for waste conversion (ETBWC), CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, India.
- 3rd prize winner in the category of “Early decomposition of faecal matter” Swachhathon 1.0 (Swachh Bharat Hackathon), 2017 organized by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Govt. of India)
Institute mail:
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Wastewater treatment and Bioelectrochemical system.
- Microbial dynamics in Microbial Fuel Cell
- Metagenomics study
- Biofilm architecture
- Development of low-cost membrane and electrode for pilot scale application
International Conference :
- Dibyoyoty Nath, M M Ghagrekar (2018). Plant secondary metabolites based microbial control for MFC-MBR application. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- G. D. Bhowmick, D. Nath, V. Ahilan, T. C. A. Silva, I. Kruusenberg, M. M. Ghangrekar, M. Wilhelm, K. Tammeveski (2018). Integrated MFC-MBR system using low-cost, multifunctional ceramic membrane for efficient wastewater treatment and electricity recovery. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Khuman, C. N., Bhowmick, G. D., Tiwari, B. R., Nath, D., Ghangrekar, M. M. and Mitra, A. (2018, February). Upflow hydroponic constructed wetland microbial fuel cell (UHCW-MFC) for wastewater treatment and recovery of bioelectricity. International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Intelligent Water Management, IIT Roorkee, India.
Institute Email:
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Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Wastewater treatment and concurrent value-added product recovery
- Microbial electrosynthesis
- Bioelectrochemical systems
- Wastewater treatment
- Biofuel production
- Biogas upgradation
International conferences:
- Sovik Das, Indrajit Chakraborty, Subhrajit Mukherjee, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Improved power generation by Chaetoceros pretreatment of anodic inoculum and MnO2 as cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cell. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Subhrajit Mukherjee, Indrasis Das, Sovik Das, M.M. Ghangrekar (2018). Removal of sodium lauryl sulphate from washwater using microbial fuel cell and simultaneous power generation. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
- Das, Sovik., Chatterjee, Pritha., Bhowmick, G. D., Ghangrekar M. M., (2017, October). Tungsten oxide as anode and cathode catalyst for improved power generation and wastewater treatment in a microbial fuel cell. General Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal; 3 – 6 October 2017.
- Das, Sovik., Ghangrekar M. M., (2017, October). Value-added product recovery and carbon dioxide sequestration from biogas using microbial electrosynthesis. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion, Nagpur, India; 8 – 10 October 2017.
Journal papers:
- Sovik Das, Pritha Chatterjee, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Increasing methane content in biogas and simultaneous value added product recovery using microbial electrosynthesis. Water Science and Technology.
- Sovik Das, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Value-added product recovery and carbon dioxide sequestration from biogas using microbial electrosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Biology.
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (completed)
Research area and Interest: Low cost community based treatment of wastewater, removal of POPs from wastewater
International Conference :
- Sovik Das, Indrajit Chakraborty, Subhrajit Mukherjee, M. M. Ghangrekar (2018). Improved power generation by Chaetoceros pretreatment of anodic inoculum and MnO2 as cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cell. Indo-EU workshop on The Recent Development in Microbial Fuel Cell and Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; 2-3 February 2018.
Google scholar:
Most recent degree: Doctor of Philosophy (December 2022)
- Amongst top 10 finalist in Vishwakarma Awards 2022 on the area of Water & Sanitation in competition co-sponsored by Wheels India Niswarth (WIN) Foundation and partnered with Kiran Patel Center for Sustainable Development (KPCSD) at IIT Gandhinagar.
- Awarded with Third Prize in poster presentation at SPARC Indo-Belgium workshop (2020) on upscaling and field application of bio-electrochemical systems for wastewater treatment and bioenergy recovery at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.
Research area:
- Bioelectrochemical systems for wastewater treatment
- Bioelectrochemical system-based advanced oxidation processes
- Wastewater sludge valorisation via biochar and hydrochar
Journal publications:
- M. Sathe, Indrajit Chakraborty, Manikanta. M. Doki, B. K. Dubey, M. M. Ghangrekar (2022). Waste-derived iron catalyzed bio-electro-Fenton process for the cathodic degradation of surfactants. Environmental Research, Volume 212, Part A, 113141. DOI:
- M. Sathe, Indrajit Chakraborty, B. K. Dubey, M. M. Ghangrekar (2022). Microbial fuel cell coupled Fenton oxidation for the cathodic degradation of emerging contaminants from wastewater: Applications and challenges. Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part B, 112135. DOI:
- M. Sathe, Indrajit Chakraborty, V. R. Sankar Cheela, Shamik Chowdhury, B. K. Dubey, M. M. Ghangrekar (2021). A novel bio-electro-Fenton process for eliminating sodium dodecyl sulphate from wastewater using dual chamber microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology, Volume 341, 125850. DOI:
- M. Sathe, Indrajit Chakraborty, M. M. Ghangrekar (2021). Wastewater Treatment and Concomitant Bioelectricity Production Using Microbial Fuel Cell: Present Aspects, Up‑Scaling and Future Inventiveness. Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Volume 6, 633-651. DOI:
- M. Sathe, G. D. Bhowmick, B. K. Dubey, M. M. Ghangrekar (2020). Surfactant removal from wastewater using photo‑cathode microbial fuel cell and laterite‑based hybrid treatment system. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Volume 43, Issue 11. DOI:
- Indrajit Chakraborty, Debanjali Ghosh, S. M. Sathe, B. K. Dubey, D. Pradhan, M. M. Ghangrekar (2021). Investigating the efficacy of CeO2 multi-layered triangular nanosheets for augmenting cathodic hydrogen peroxide production in microbial fuel cell. Electrochimica Acta, 139341. DOI:
- Indrajit Chakraborty, S. M. Sathe, B.K. Dubey, M.M. Ghangrekar (2020). Waste-derived biochar: Applications and future perspective in microbial fuel cells, Bioresource Technology, Volume 312, 123587. DOI:
- Chakraborty, S. M. Sathe, C. N. Khuman, M. M. Ghangrekar (2020). Bioelectrochemically powered remediation of xenobiotic compounds and heavy metal toxicity using microbial fuel cell and microbial electrolysis cell, Materials Science for Energy Technologies, Volume 3, 104-115. DOI:
Conference presentations:
- M. Sathe, Indrajit Chakraborty, Manikanta. M. Doki, B. K. Dubey, M. M. Ghangrekar (2022). ‘Paper in the abstract book of international conference on Environmental Science and Engineering (ICESE-2022) on 20-22nd January, 2022 organized by IIT Bombay in virtual mode (Oral presentation).
- M. Sathe, B. K. Dubey, M. M. Ghangrekar (2020). ‘Adsorptive removal of surfactants in batch experiments using laterite as a low-cost adsorbent’. Paper in the abstract book of Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE2020) on 2-4 th March, 2020 at Kolkata, India. (Oral Presentation)
- M. Sathe, G. D. Bhowmick, M. M. Ghangrekar (2020). ‘Use of household scouring pad as a cost-effective electrode material for application in microbial fuel cell’. Paper in the abstract book of SPARC Indo-Belgium workshop on upscaling and field application of bio- electrochemical systems for wastewater treatment and bioenergy recovery, on 26-27th February, 2020 at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. (Poster presentation)
Book chapters:
- M. Ghangrekar, Anil Dhanda, S. M. Sathe, Indrajit Chakraborty (2022), Enhancing microbial fuel cell performance by carbon nitride-based nanocomposites. Nanostructured Carbon Nitrides for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Applications, 63 – 79, Elsevier.
- M. Ghangrekar, S. M. Sathe, C. N. Khuman (2022). ‘Integration of Bio-electrochemical Systems with Anaerobic Digestion’. Chapter 11, 295-318. In the book Renewable Energy Technologies for Energy Efficient Sustainable Development. Editors: Arindam Sinharoy, Piet N. L. Lens, Published by Springer. DOI:
- M. Ghangrekar, S. M. Sathe, S. Das (2022). ‘Bioenergy and Valuables Recovery During Wastewater Treatment Using Bio-Electrochemical Systems’. Chapter 5.12, 259-272. In the book Comprehensive Renewable Energy, 2nd edition. Editor: Letcher Trevor M., Published by Elsevier. DOI:
- M. Ghangrekar, S. M. Sathe, I. Chakraborty (2020). ‘In situ bioremediation techniques for the removal of emerging contaminants and heavy metals using hybrid microbial electrochemical technologies’. Chapter 9, 233-255. In the book Emerging Technologies in Environmental Bioremediation. Editors: Maulin P. Shah, Susana Rodriguez-Couto, S. Sevinc Sengor, Published by Elsevier. DOI:
- M. M. Ghangrekar, G. D. Bhowmick, S. M. Sathe (2020). ‘An overview of membrane bioreactor coupled bioelectrochemical systems’. Chapter 12, 249-272. In the book Integrated Microbial Fuel Cells for Wastewater Treatment. Editors: Rouzbeh Abbassi, Asheesh Kumar Yadav, Faisal Khan, Vikram Garaniya, Published by Butterworth-Heinemann. DOI:
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Most recent degree: Master of Bioprocess Engineering
Role at present: Research Scholar
Research area and Interest: Self-sustainable photosynthetic microbial fuel cell system with minimal dependency on chemicals with simultaneous bioelectricity generation and value-added product recovery utilising waste products and wastewater treatment.
- Photosynthetic microbial fuel cell
- Algal biofuel production
- Anodic modification of MFC
- Biocatalysts
- Microbial cell signalling mechanism
- Wastewater treatment
Journal papers:
- Swati Das, Sovik Das & M. M. Ghangrekar (2019). Quorum sensing mediated signals: A promising multi-functional modulators for separately enhancing algal yield and power generation in microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology.
- Sovik Das, Swati Das, Indrasis Das, M. M. Ghangrekar (2019). Application of bioelectrochemical systems for carbon sequestration and concomitant valuable recovery: A review, Materials Science for Energy Technologies.
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Most recent degree: Master of Technology in Civil Engineering
Role at present: Research Scholar
Research area and Interest: Electrochemical systems and Bioelectrochemical systems for Wastewater treatment
International conferences:
- Azhan Ahmad, SovikDas, M.M. Ghangrekar (2019). Removal of Xenobiotics from Wastewater by Electrocoagulation: A mini-review, 2nd National Conference on Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM 2019), Indian Institute of Engineering Science And Technology, Shibpur December 18 – 20, 2019.
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Research gate:
Most recent degree: Master of Environmental Engineering and Management
Role at present: Research Scholar
Research area and Interest: Wastewater treatment and concurrent value-added product recovery
- Advanced oxidation process
- Membrane Bioreactor
- Application of cathode catalysts in Microbial Fuel Cell
- Synthesis of Metal Organic Framework
International conferences:
- Monali Priyadarshini, Indrasis Das, M.M. Ghangrekar (2019). Application of Metal Organic Framework in Wastewater Treatment : Review, 2nd National Conference on Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM 2019), Indian Institute of Engineering Science And Technology, Shibpur December 18 – 20, 2019.
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Research Gate:
Most recent degree: Master of Technology in Agricultural Biotechnology
Role at present: Research Scholar
Research area:
- Photosynthetic microbial fuel cells for wastewater treatment, CO2 sequestration, and bioenergy production.
- Algal biofuel and biochar production
- Low-cost electrode for up-scaling of photosynthetic MFC
- Photosynthetic microbial fuel cells reactor modification
- Santosh Kumar, Monali Priyadarshini, Azhan Ahmad, Makarand M. Ghangrekar (2023). Advanced biological and non-biological technologies for carbon sequestration, wastewater treatment, and concurrent valuable recovery: A review. Journal of CO2
- Makarand M. Ghangrekar, Santosh Kumar & Indrajit Chakraborty (2022). Environmental Impacts and Necessity of Removal of Emerging Contaminants to Facilitate Safe Reuse of Treated Municipal Wastewaters. In Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation (pp. 95-123). Springer, Cham.
- Makarand M. Ghangrekar, Santosh Kumar, Azhan Ahmad, SovikDas (2022). Concomitant bioenergy production and wastewater treatment employing microbial electrochemical technologies. In Biofuels and Bioenergy (pp. 359-385). Elsevier.
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Most recent degree: Master of Technology (Environment Engineering)
Role at present: Research Scholar
Research Interest: Electrochemical advanced oxidation for remediation of emerging contaminants; Bio-electrochemical systems for wastewater remediation; Fenton-based advanced wastewater treatment; Wastewater reuse.
International Conferences:
Rishabh Raj, Sovik Das, and M. M. Ghangrekar,” Electrochemical technologies for the abatement of endocrine disrupting compounds”, Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (ACEE-2021), NIT Raipur, December 16-17, 2021.
- Raj, R., Tripathi, A., Das, S., Ghangrekar, M. (2021). Removal of caffeine from wastewater using electrochemical advanced oxidation process: A mini review. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 4, 100129.
- Das, S., Raj, R., Das, S., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2021). A Sustainable Approach for the Production of Green Energy With the Holistic Treatment of Wastewater Through Microbial Electrochemical Technologies: A Review. Frontiers in Sustainability, 2
- Ahmad, A., Priyadarshini, M., Raj, R., Das, S., Ghangrekar, M.M. (2022). Appraising efficacy of existing and advanced technologies for the remediation of beta-blockers from wastewater: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-25.
- Das, S., Raj, R., Das, S., & Ghangrekar, M. M. (2022). Evaluating application of photosynthetic microbial fuel cell to exhibit efficient carbon sequestration with concomitant value-added product recovery from wastewater: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18.
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Most recent degree: Master of Technology (Environment Engineering)
Role at present: Research Scholar
Research area and Interest: Resource recovery and advanced wastewater treatment
- Anaerobic digestion
- Hydrothermal carbonization
- Photocatalytic degradation of emerging contaminants
- Resource recovery and circular economy
- Microbial fuel cell
The main objective of the study is to implement the concept of circular economy and multiple resource recovery in the treatment of food waste. Management of sludge produced from anaerobic digestion of food waste via hydrothermal carbonization technology and utilization of generated hydrochar as “photocatalyst” in UV/PS photocatalytic degradation of emerging contaminants. Then, resource recovery in the form of bioelectricity and struvite from the second by-product stream i.e., hydrothermal process water. Finally, the life cycle and cost benefit assessment of the implemented solutions from the viewpoint of sustainability and circular economy.
- Ahmad, A., Priyadarshini, M., Yadav, S., Ghangrekar, M.M., Surampalli, Y.R. (2022). The potential of biochar-based catalysts in advanced treatment technologies for efficacious removal of persistent organic pollutants from wastewater: A review. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 187, 470-496.
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Most recent degree: Master of Environmental Engineering and Management
Role at present: Research scholar
Research area and Interest: Wastewater treatment and concurrent value-added product recovery
- Bioelectrochemical systems
- ORR catalysts
- Cation exchange membrane
- Anaerobic wastewater treatment
Book Chapters
- Ghangrekar, M. M., Dhanda, A., Sathe, S. M., & Chakraborty, I. (2022). Enhancing microbial fuel cell performance by carbon nitride-based nanocomposites. In Nanostructured Carbon Nitrides for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Applications (pp. 63-79). Elsevier.
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Most recent degree: Master of Climate Change
Role at present: Research scholar
Research area and Interest: Microbial electrosynthesis (MES)
- Wastewater treatment
- Carbon capture and utilization (CCU)
- Bioelectrochemical technologies (BES)
- Biofuel production
- Biogas upgradation